Salimonti A., Carbone F., Micali S., Zelasco S. 2019 The FAD2-2 intron and its putative role in the enhancement of the gene expression in olive Proc. 63rd SIGA (Italian Society of Agricultural Genetics) Annual Congress, Naples, Italy, September 10th-13rd, poster 5.07
Carbone F. 2019 The project “SEQUENCING OF THE OLIVE GENOME AND GENE ANNOTATION - OLGENOME”. Invited speaker at “Tornata dell'accademia nazionale dell'olivo e dell'olio in Calabria”, Rende (CS), Italy, November 16th.
Salimonti A., Carbone F., Micali S., Zelasco S. Molecular analysis of olive FAD2-2 intron sequence and its role in the enhancement of gene expression 2018. Proc. 6th International Conference on Olive Tree and Olive Products (OLIVEBIOTEQ’18), Seville, Spain, October 15th-19th, poster T02-P1
Carbone F. 2018 Olive genomics: potentiality and perspectives on the olive and oil quality. Invited speaker at the workshop “Come creare reddito dall’olivicoltura italiana”, Academy of Georgofili, Florence, Italy, March 7th.